Does anybody know about this?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by manjuap, Nov 21, 2002.

  1. manjuap

    manjuap New Member

  2. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    I once knew a man who wore increasing amounts of cologne in lieu of bathing. At first you were overwhelmed with the sweetness but soon thereafter the underlying odor crept through. The deeper you look into this web site...well, I'd be interested in hearing what our theologically oriented brethren think of the "International Theological University," cited on the opening page.
  3. adelheid

    adelheid New Member

    Last time, I wrote how handsomly perfect looking the president is, and I still think he is! He is so radiant, just like his website. But then I noticed that he is NOT an anstronaut, as it seemed to me, but rather he got awarded a medal in honour of the first astronaut... what shall I do now! Every timne I looked into the sky at night and I saw a star blinking I thought that maybe this is him looking down on me...

  4. adelheid

    adelheid New Member

    Gert: I don't quite understand what you mean (sorry, maybe after all I won't qualify for a degree based on IQ and life experience.)

  5. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Jack: Uh, well...Let me put it like this. There is artful obscenity, then there is artless obscenity, then there is obscenity. This goes into the last category, lacking both studied wit and guileless charm.
  6. adelheid

    adelheid New Member

    agreed - got'ya!


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