PhD = permanent head damage

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Jonathan Liu, Sep 22, 2002.

  1. Jonathan Liu

    Jonathan Liu Member

    wooops. PhD gets a new meaning.
  2. tcnixon

    tcnixon Active Member

    Yeah, that works. I've always like the Piled Higher and Deeper one as well.

    Tom Nixon
  3. blahetka

    blahetka New Member

    In Chicago we said it meant "Pin Headed Dummy."
  4. maranto

    maranto New Member

    I too have always favored, Piled Higher and Deeper. After I finished my defense, I had a Dissertation Burning party (nothing like killing those brain cells that you worked so hard to develop)... My wife, with her twisted sense of humor, made a huge cake for the fiesta with "Piled Higher and Deeper" written out and little creatively arranged piles of brown frosting over the top of the cake.

    Fortunately, there was enough alcohol available that nobody seemed to mind. :)

    Tony Maranto
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Whew, I feel much better now. I was beginning to think I was the only one with this problem. <grin>
  6. peterjak

    peterjak New Member

    Dear Jonathan,

    In Hong Kong and Macau, the PhD stands for "Permanent Health Damage."


    Peter Jak

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