BA Liberal arts cost Excelsior vs TESU?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by jb111, Feb 23, 2017.

  1. jb111

    jb111 New Member

    Hi. Now that I have gotten my evals back from both schools, it's time to pick one. I'm assuming I can finish in one year will only take 4 credits from either institution, here is what I think it costs. Please let me know what I have wrong:
    Excelsior (veteran's discount in italics)
    $760 Commitment
    $0 Admission
    $1640 Tuition
    $225 Annual
    $130 Graduation


    TESU ( discount in italics)
    $0 Application (was able to get this waived since Excelsior did the same)
    $1800 Residency waiver
    $1896 Tuition
    $Waived? Cornerstone (not sure what the cost of this is)

    $323 Graduation
  2. jb111

    jb111 New Member

    TESU tuition should actually read $1422, so total is closer to Excelsior @ $3545

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