Highr Ed Bubble Update

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Kizmet, Jan 6, 2017.

  1. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

  2. TomE

    TomE New Member

    The fact that this guy has written so much of a wide variety of topics indicates that he probably doesn't have any unreasonable disdain for law schools on the most basic level. As such, his comments seem to be more in-line with what more lay people may be thinking about the programs which, if this feeling becomes more widespread and is vocalized, may actually lead to some kind of shakeup at some point. I won't hold my breath in the short term, though!
  3. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Many attorneys say that three years of law school is too much because it can all be done in two years. The third year is a waste of time, so instead of having a third year of schooling, it could be replaced with an apprenticeship. However, is it possible to find an apprenticeship for every third-year law student from every law school in the USA?
  4. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Good question. Sounds like the perfect sort of thing for the marketplace to answer.
  5. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    He's a law professor.
  6. TomE

    TomE New Member

    Weeeelp! I don't know how I missed that! So much for that theory!
  7. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    Don't dismiss your theory just yet as his criticism of law schools is ongoing.
  8. This has been talked about for the past few years. The whole "let's make law school shorter" debate. Initially there was a group of people wanting to do that to save on the cost of education. I take the opposite approach. I think law school should be 3+ years BUT it should be treated like an LLB. Instead of completing an undergraduate degree you group straight into law. Most students do summer internships but that really depends on the student. By the time I graduated I had already completed nearly a year of internships that provided a depth of real world experience.
  9. FTFaculty

    FTFaculty Well-Known Member

    "Many attorneys say that three years of law school is too much..."

    The first year is the foundation of law school, the second year is still relevant as you apply your new understanding of the case study method and the common law system, the third year for most is a waste of time, a scattering of unrelated courses, such as my experience: environmental law, water law, law and literature, philosophy of law, trial advocacy, state and local govt law, legal writing, etc. Some of the top students, the drivers and high achievers, take UCC, patent law and tax law and other high level stuff, but most drift aimlessly and it ends anticlimactically (but then comes the bar).
  10. msganti

    msganti Active Member

    In India, LLB is a 5-year degree after 10+2, with a provision for lateral entry (to 4th year) for certain under-graduates.
    LLM is a 1 or 2 year degree

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