A New Major Islamic University (Distance Education)

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Tde, Jul 8, 2002.

  1. Tde

    Tde New Member

    I thought I'd let You guys know.

    Internet Islamic University

    "We are currently in the process of gaining accreditation from Jamiatul Azhar in Egypt, Ummul Qura University in Makkah and the International Islamic University in Malaysia. Insha-Allah, once we gain accreditation from these universities, after graduation from Internet Islamic University you will, Insha-Allah, be able to continue your further education in any one of these fine Institutions. We have an advisory board consisting of scholars who are guiding and supervising IIU and faculty members who are very knowledgable in their fields and who are committed to serving Islam. Insha-Allah the degree you receive from the IIU will help you to further the cause of Islam. "
  2. Homer

    Homer New Member

    Interesting and, golly, the timing couldn't possibly be better.....sheesh!
  3. Brad Sweet

    Brad Sweet New Member

    DL Islamic universities

    I believe the largest DL islamic university is the Allama Iqbal University which rivals University of South Africa is size of student population (200,000) and Indira Gandhi National Open University (370,000) of India .

    Allama Iqbal University
    Indira Ganghi National Open University
    University of South Africa

    I don't think it is fair to be critical of a university simply based on its religion. Most western universities were founded by a christian denomination of one sort or another. Eastern universities would of course reflect the predominant religion of that country.

    The founding of a new islamic university may be to fill a need for people of the Islamic faith needing to study further and finding it impossible in the country where they live.

    I think people have to be careful not to confuse Islam with fundamentalist voilent activities, this from reading the previous comment.
  4. fawcettbj

    fawcettbj New Member


    I'd fully agree with your sentiment.

    However a larger Islamic DL provider is Turkey's Anadolu University? It's one of the original mega-universities but has only been mentioned on this site briefly before (probably because most of the courses are in Turkish). It has some 650,000 students in total, over 500,000 DL students I've been told.

    See http://www.anadolu-uni.de/eng/condensed.html for an abridged English language history of the University or see the ICDL database. http://icdl.open.ac.uk/

    http://www.anadolu.edu.tr/ is the official website.

  5. irat

    irat New Member


    I think we are going to see a continued sprouting of more religious in nature high school and colleges. We are in a time when people seem to be more interesting in converting others than in mingling.
    All the best!
  6. Brad Sweet

    Brad Sweet New Member

    Re: religion?

    Perhaps this is a symptom of a global age. People feel alone, individual consumers in a globalized world. It would only be natural to look 'inward', to grasp something familiar and strong like religion when the state is weakened through the globalization of the national economies. The underlying principles of the world economic order dictate that no state is alone.

    The West has triumphed and in the new world order of democracy, nation-states and national populations must submit, not just to democratic principles, but to a world dominated economically by the United States and allies. HOWEVER, the world and its peoples do NOT have to submit to all of the West's values.

    If countries are forced to change their system of government to one that is favoured by the West but unfamiliar to themselves, then they will seek a comfortable haven in a familiar surrounding like their religion. People will always seek to find some type of control over their lives.
  7. Brad Sweet

    Brad Sweet New Member


    Thanks for the web sites. I'll check these out.
  8. jimwe

    jimwe Member

    Can you minor in blowing up babies, stoning homosexuals or women who were raped and "didn't fight back enough?!?" :rolleyes:
  9. BillDayson

    BillDayson New Member

    Given the tremendous interest in Christian theology evident here on Degreeinfo, I don't think that we should be surprised that many Muslims are interested in studying their own traditions by distance education. I find nothing threatening about that at all.

    Personally, I would *love* to see the religious studies options available in English by distance education branch out and become more diverse. My interests are in religion broadly conceived, and in those comparative and philosophical issues that cut across the boundaries of traditions. Unfortunately, religion programs offered by DL at the present time seem largely aimed at aspiring Protestant clergy of a theologically conservative sort.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 9, 2002
  10. Brad Sweet

    Brad Sweet New Member

    Oh my

    I don't think it is fair to equate Islam with fundamentalist actions or reactionary idealogy within some segments of Islam that are so violent and draw so much media attention.

    These people, who perpetuate these actions are no more Muslim than a member of a group terrorizing people in Northern Ireland in the name of one or another "Christian" denomination. They do not represent the religion. They are a faction. The root of it all is the individual leaders spreading falsehood and lies.
    M. Gandhi.
  11. Veteran101

    Veteran101 New Member

    Im sure

    Our US Dept of Education and American Counsel on Education will be ready to give RA status as soon as possible here.

    What does one mean on "further the cause"?

    Veteran 101

    BS Army
    MS Airborne
    Phd. 1983-84 Middle East
  12. KKA

    KKA Member


    I wholeheartedly support your reasoned approach, and rational discourse on this matter, while, at the same time, denounce the racism, bigotry and anti-Muslim/Islam discourse espoused by (thankfully?) some on this forum as a very dangerous phenomenon. I do hope and pray that the bigots and the ignorant amongst us here are very little in number.
  13. Brad Sweet

    Brad Sweet New Member


    I hope the numbers are small as well.
  14. irat

    irat New Member

    difference in how we opine

    I think it is one thing to state how we feel.
    It is another to state what we believe is the only thing one can believe.
    It is one thing to make a statement, which disagrees with someone.
    It is another to make a statement, and then demonize those who disagree.
    All the best!
  15. Veteran101

    Veteran101 New Member


    Right On!!!!!

  16. Timmy Ade

    Timmy Ade New Member

    Hey Brad, This link doesn't work "Allama Iqbal University" is there anyother one? or do you know why it doesn't work?


  17. Homer

    Homer New Member

    I'm not Brad (obviously) but just read your message, tried the link, and, voila, it worked. Maybe just try again because the URL appears to be correct.

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