Impact of DL on Higher Ed

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Kizmet, Oct 25, 2016.

  1. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

  2. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    The cost issue could be addressed. If, that is, some organization could legitimately circumvent the outmoded and overly complicated degree granting system in place.

    You completed the requirements for a degree through some combination of butt-in-seat, online and recognized testing like CLEP? Some new organization verifies your courses completed and issues you a certificate of requirements completed for, perhaps, a liberal arts or business degree.

    As with RA or NA certification, the acceptance of this new certification would rely on the reputation of the issuing organization.

    And that is just an outline of what might be done, folks.
  3. catlin0915

    catlin0915 New Member

    So according to this article, the only thing keeping higher education from being cheaper is the availability of Government aid and student loans. Wouldn't the number of people defaulting on those same student loans make loans less likely to be issued in the future? With them being tied to higher education I'm sure our good old government will not let this happen since they give more than their fair portion of the loans.

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