Non APA Doctorate in Psychology

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Garp, Sep 25, 2016.

  1. Garp

    Garp Well-Known Member

    A non APA doctorate can practice in most states. I know the career trajectory is generally reduced as the most competitive positions require/prefer APA accredited doctorate and internship.

    I am curious about getting an internship in general after graduating from a non APA program. On the doctor forum, I noticed a rather dismissive attitude towards non APA programs and even APA programs that were DL type. Is this simply a small segment or a pervasive attitude? I am wondering if after graduating from a place like Calsouthern, people find securing the place for the required internship difficult.
  2. Jan

    Jan Member

    In general, graduating from a non APA program will make obtaining a clinical internship very difficult. Even students graduating from an APA program may find it competitive to find an APA internship.
  3. Garp

    Garp Well-Known Member

    I am thinking that even in the case of a non APA internship, if your supervisor has an APA accredited doctorate, he or she may be less enthusiastic or even offended at the prospect of a DL non APA doctorate. Seemed to be the general attitude on the doctoral forum (but that is a small segment).
  4. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    There are snobs everywhere. If practicing as a licensed Psychologist is your goal (private practice psychotherapy, etc.) then you need only worry about satisfying the requirements for licensure. If you want to teach, even a Fielding degree may not be enough.

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