Executive options versus distance learning

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Christos, Jun 22, 2002.

  1. Christos

    Christos New Member

    Does anyone have an opinion on which type of learning style is viewed as more favorable by employeers ? I am considering an executive style (go to campus once per month) engineering mangement prgram at the University of Texas at Austin vs a distance learning format in the same subject from Syracuse University. Both issue actual graduate degrees similar to the on-campus students. At this point I am considering: Repuation - does it really matter once you are working and will the distance education be frowned upon as not as good as being on campus.
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I am no expert on this subject but given the options I would choose UT Austin because as far as reputation goes UT is Top Tier in the nation in pretty much anything they do. So, all things being equal I would choose the top school. I don't know all the details and all things may not be equal.

  3. telfax

    telfax New Member

    As an outsidre!

    We seem to be 'going round the houses' on the discussion board re DLvs on-campus! Forget it all! At the end of the day, it is 'your personality' and accomplishments and your ability to market yourself and how you present yourself that will get you whatever job it is you want (possibly academia aside!). I think it was the Xerox Corporation (and I have proved this myself in my own research work) that showed that actual credentials came fourth or fifth down on the list of things to be considered when hiring people (outside academia). Even academia is changing. I recently reviewed web sites at Oxford and Cambride and there are now significantly more people teaching there than ever before who do not have Oxbridge degrees!

    Do what YOU want to do and take the course that YOU think meets your needs. Forget the rest! As an outsider I've heard of both the Texas place and Syracuse. As an outsider I'd(pure prejudice) go for Syracuse but YOU must decide which propgramme best meets YOUR needs and interests!


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