11 Small Colleges

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Kizmet, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

  2. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

  3. airtorn

    airtorn Moderator

    I was wondering how they considered UoP to be a small college until I saw that they were just looking at one specific campus (Puerto Rico).
  4. nyvrem

    nyvrem Active Member


    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    I think the prices are calculated after aid/grant because of the list tuition and fees. Also, it surprises me University of Phoenix...I understand that the list only one campus. Ins't that they have to considering the entire University of Phoenix system? I disagree with University of Phoenix in PR is small and beauty.

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