University of Wolverhampton

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Kane, Jun 3, 2002.

  1. Kane

    Kane New Member

    Does anyone know the cost of the distance learning law (LLB) program offered by this University?
  2. telfax

    telfax New Member

    Kane-do a search


    This sort of question is best asked of the institution you're interested in! They have the most up-to-date information. The Wolverhampton University web site is easy to navigate ( and if you click on the 'wider viewing' heading ( or some such title) you can go into all the different departments and schools, including Legal Studies. The latter tells you all about the LLB and the University has a link to tuition fees. Both the University in general, and the Legal Studies Department itself, also have plentry of email contact addresses you can use to get the exact information you need. It is a holiday in the UK until Wednesday so I would not expect a response to any email before then!


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