Likelihood of landing online teaching job

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Michael, Jan 12, 2015.

  1. Michael

    Michael Member

    How likely is it that a person could land an online teaching job with a MFA in Creative Writing?
  2. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    If you're planning on teaching creative writing I'd guess the chances are fair - poor. I'd also guess that your chances go up substantially if you've actually got a published body of work.
  3. Michael

    Michael Member

    Thanks, Kizmet.

    I do have published works.

    I am six courses into a 16-course MFA and wondering if I should continue. I'll be 60 years old next month. I am currently a special ed teacher in a public school. If I could teach three-and-a-half more years, I could get all or almost all of my loan forgiven. But this job is physically wearing me out; I don't know if I can keep doing it for that long. I am debating with myself whether to retire at 62, or try to work a couple of years beyond that. If the former, I don't see how I can continue with my MFA and owe all that money. Getting the MFA would at least give me the possibility to supplement my meager social security check - I'll have very little retirement income from the state because I withdrew that money when I quit teaching in 2006. However, the way I'm feeling now, I just don't believe I can physically hold up to teaching in my current job for 3 1/2 more years. So, that's my dilemma -- teach that long, continue my MFA, and have my loan forgiven, or stop my MFA, pay back the loan now or as soon as I can before I accumulate any more debt, and retire in two more years. Of course, the six courses I've taken will have been wasted -- well, not entirely, as I used two of them to renew my teacher's license four years ago, and I'll be able to use two more of them to renew the license again next summer, 2015.

    This is a very difficult decision.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2015
  4. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    I was talking to a guy the other day and he said that where he lives (Connecticut) you can attend any school in the state university system tuition free if you are of retirement age. In his case that includes Charter Oak so he's planning on waiting a bit in order to save some money. You might want to check and see if there's a similar deal where you live.
  5. Michael

    Michael Member

    There isn't in my state -- at least, I've never heard of such.

    I'm already receiving a 50% tuition discount at Lindenwood due to my age. This is a great deal, but my circumstances remain the same.

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