Thread #25,000 is nigh. A small prize for the person who starts it.

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by John Bear, Apr 4, 2014.

  1. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    To celebrate this impressively large number, I'd like to offer a small gift to the person who starts thread #25,000 . . . an autographed copy of one of my books, from the following list.

    Bears' Guide to Earning Degrees by Distance Learning, 15th ed. ('oldie but goodie')
    The #1 New York Times Bestseller
    Degree Mills: the billion-dollar industry that has sold more than a million fake degrees
    How to Repair Food: what to do about salty soups, fallen cakes, overcooked meat, mushy vegetables, and hundreds of other kitchen catastrophes
    Not Your Mother's Cookbook: unusual recipes for the adventurous cook

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