Taking Graduate classes while doing undergraduate studies.

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by nyvrem, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. nyvrem

    nyvrem Active Member

    Does anyone know of places where I can take graduate classes for credits while still finishing up my undergraduate studies?

    I'm doing an ASU Online program, I'm left with 40 ish credits to complete. Majoring in Philosophy.

    I would like to start on some graduate credits now since I have more time. I've emailed the people at HUX but they say its not possible. I'm looking to do an MA in Liberal Arts with a focus in English or Philosophy. Might consider a pure MA route as well.

    Thanks in advance! :)
  2. Jonathan Whatley

    Jonathan Whatley Well-Known Member

    Typically, master's programs greatly limit transfer credit. My sense is that allowing no more than 6 semester hours might be the mode for master's programs, 9 generous, 12 rare. Expect further limitations on just what credit is accepted towards a degree in addition to that hard cap.

    Two liberal studies master's programs especially friendly to transfer credit: Excelsior College's MALS may accept up to 15 sh transfer of 36 total. TESC's MALS may accept up to 12 sh transfer of 36 total. A focus in English or Philosophy would have to fit within limited elective space and might be informal.

    There are sometimes restrictions on total number of credits earned before admission to a graduate program applied to that program. I've seen these sometimes counted as "transfer" credit even when they come from the same program.
  3. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Wait, if you have more time, why not just use it to complete the degree program in which you're already enrolled more quickly? :confused:
  4. nyvrem

    nyvrem Active Member

    Some classes that I want/interested are not offered this term. I've check with the adviser and I'll have to wait till the Fall semester to take some of them. Especially some language classes.

    Also, I was recently on a roll with my 300/400 level Philosophy classes. Kept scoring As for them, and I was really enjoying them, so I thought I want to try 500 classes to keep that interest burning rather then shift my focus elsewhere :lew:

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    If you have more time, you should get a part-time job (if you're not working), being active (physical fitness, outdoor activities), and etc. You just to balance out life and school, there is no reason to burn yourself out.
  6. jobee

    jobee Member

    I do like and appreciate your enthusiasm to get into taking grad courses. As others have stated, it will come soon enough and you may have some issues with acceptability when it comes to your program of choice. If you do grad courses before your bachelors completion you may be wasting time on classes that do not count.

    Instead you may wish to investigate and apply to grad programs. Look at your area of choice, speak to advisors, etc. Good luck!

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