The Class Of 2025

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Kizmet, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

  2. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    Given the direction of the current social tides, I fully expect that Technical/Vocational schools will grant career diplomas in prostitution and that every top school in the nation will grant advanced degrees in narcotic sales and adult filmography. K-12 education will be different, too. The morning pledge to the flag will state "one nation, there is no God, indivisible..." Sex education will strictly follow an Abortion-only curriculum.

    Sadly, in order to help make up for the sudden and dramatic decline in verbal and mathematics skills, students will only be allowed one week each December for the Atheistmas break. That is, if the proposal is able to overcome its critics, who argue that society will not fall apart if children never learn to think critically because the hyper-specialized experts in every area of knowledge are doing a spectacular job of doing all the thinking for them.
  3. mattbrent

    mattbrent Well-Known Member

    Well aren't you a Debbie Downer... :grumble:

    I would like to state that my daughter started Kindergarten this year. She's having a great time. We were worried that she'd be super bored because she had two years of preschool, but she's still learning new things. They have computer lab as a special class once per week, and she was learning how to formally type. That's pretty remarkable, in my opinion. In her science class, they were learning how to sort and classify. My wife and I woke up one morning, and Reagan, along with her little brother Parker, had decided they were going to sort of all their DVDs into categories (Thomas the Train, Disney Princess, etc.)

    It was good to see Reagan not only applying what she's learning in school, but being excited enough about it to share it with her little brother. The school has definitely started off strong, and I certainly hope they continue. Then again, she's going to a school that's fully accredited. The neighboring county were I used to live and work is one of my that's only "accredited with warning." My wife and I are so glad we moved, and I'm looking forward to my kids' experiences in school.


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