ECE American Dream difficulty? Prep?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by gmohdez, May 6, 2002.

  1. gmohdez

    gmohdez New Member

    Hello, and thanks again for all the help.

    Due mostly to $$ situation I left ECE examinations for last, as they are the most expensive. I started taking them today, and as I started to study for American Dream I found out the following:

    - Scoring guidelines make heavy reference to "individual readings and authors", on the 22 tests I have so far taken, I have only borrowed books from the library for two, and the rest I have studied/reviewed exclusively on the interenet. The problem is that so far NONE of the books mentioned in the test guide are available at my library.

    - The list of readings is huge, I did not count, but at the very least there are 30 books mentioned, which would be impossible for me to purchase.

    My questions: Has anybody taken the test without purchasing the "guided learning package" and without obtaining at least most of the books mentioned in the test guide?, if so, what was the difficulty of the test? and Are there any alternative suggestions for studying for this test?

    Thank you
  2. gmohdez

    gmohdez New Member

    Another question.

    Are either "American Dream: A Book of Readings" or "Course Guide for American Dream" good enopugh guides to pass the test?, or both of them?.

    Thanks again
  3. gmohdez

    gmohdez New Member

    Bought books

    Next time I will be more thorough. At the end of the exam guide there is a list of only two books, the Excelsior guides and the constitution.

    I just purchased the Excelsior guides for forty some dollars, the other books I purchased used via, paperbacks for about 12 dollars both. The constitution, amendments etc. are all online so no need to purchase.

    Guillermo Hernandez

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