American Public University - Technology Fee

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by timothyrx, Sep 17, 2012.

  1. timothyrx

    timothyrx New Member

    I am not sure if this has been discussed here but I thought I would share. After some thought I have decided to pursue a second masters degree at American Public University. After my MPH I was only 6 courses away from a Political Science/Public Policy MA. That was fairly close so I decided to go ahead and there is a good crossover. I was looking at future courses and discovered a new fee.

    There is a new $50/course fee added to the $325/credit hour tuition for courses enrolled after September. I am not sure if this affects undergraduate credit or not. It is not enough of an increase to break the bank, and I am sure others will come. It is still not a bad deal in comparison to some schools.
  2. jackson07

    jackson07 New Member

    Technology Fee Frequently Asked Questions | American Public University

    "The fee offsets the continuing costs of maintaining and advancing our course design, technology systems, and student support programs. It will be applied to each course. All undergraduate and graduate course registrations, including audit courses, will be included. The fee will not be applied to comprehensive exams."

    "APUS is providing a grant to cover the fee for Active Duty Military, Guard and Reserve personnel, or for anyone using Military Tuition Assistance. The grant will also cover the fee for students using VA education benefits."

    "Yes. The fee is applied to all undergraduate and graduate-level course registrations, including audited courses. The fee is not applicable for comprehensive exam courses."

    They haven't changed any fee or pricing increase since I started in Jan 2008. I have been told they haven't changed since before that. I feel it could be a lot worse. Then again, I do not have to pay it.

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    Sometimes I feel that technology fee is unfair. I agree that they utilize technology (Blackboard, WebCT, and etc) to delivery lectures to the students at distance learning. However, traditional classes also use these systems to communication with students beyond classroom setting. Since, distance learning students have lack of access resources at campus such as wireless networks, computer labs, library technology resources, and etc. For example, Southern Methodist University's Lyle School of Engineering charges $1,290.00 per credit for distance learning students, but on campus students only $1,095.00 per credit.
  4. dwilson1979

    dwilson1979 New Member

    Of course they will continue to waive fees or finds ways to continue to keep the cost down for military students. They know once military students have to start paying out of pocket they will stop attending the school. This would have a huge impact on their enrollments and their bottom line being a publicly traded company. I know a lot of military people that choose to attend AMU because of free books! Great way to narrow down the choices when choosing your education!
  5. NorCal

    NorCal Active Member

    A college that specializes in online education charging a technology fee . . . . seems like the for-profit in them is peaking out.

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