Recommendations for online Colleges offering Upper Level English courses

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Betowess, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. Betowess

    Betowess New Member

    After consulting my old university, it appears I need about 5 courses (15 credits) to get my BA in English Lit from SMU. I will need an accredited online college and my original univ. will accept the transfers to complete my degree - as I live out of state now. These are probably all upper level classes, but I haven't seen the exact catalog yet. Any suggestion of an affordable and decent college is greatly appreciated!
  2. SurfDoctor

    SurfDoctor Moderator

  3. Psydoc

    Psydoc New Member

  4. rebel100

    rebel100 New Member

    University of Idaho and Arkansas independent study. Brigham young university independent study. Louisianna state university. Colorado state university Pueblo independent study. Not all will have it, but I would start the search there. Western new Mexico state university should have some affordable options that follow the school year.
  5. Betowess

    Betowess New Member

    OK, thanks folks! I'll check out Univ. of Idaho and Wester New Mexico Univ. and Brigham Young. I already briefly looked at LSU. Please keep the recommendations coming.

    It seems some of the few colleges I have surveyed offer primarily lower level classes, with only a few upper level choices. Surely somewhere there is a diverse online program? Thanks again all!
  6. Betowess

    Betowess New Member

    Thank-you rebel. So far it looks like Brigam Young Univ. independent study has the largest selection I have found so far. Thanks.
  7. rebel100

    rebel100 New Member

    I appreciate the "thank you" people don't always display good manners on the net.

    What school are you applying these at? What State are you in? Might make a difference.

    Idaho appears to have 2 English-Independent Study in Idaho-University of Idaho
    CSU-Pueblo has 2 Colorado State University-Pueblo > English

    But with 19 UL English courses BYU looks like a strong choice. Consider getting them all form a single source...everytime you apply to a grad school you will have to get transcripts from every school attended....real pain in the butt if you ask me!

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