List: Online Masters in I/O Psychology

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by DxD=D^2, Jul 28, 2012.

  1. DxD=D^2

    DxD=D^2 Member

    For those of you who want to pursue a degree in I/O Psychology... Here is a list of master degress that I created for you. I have a more extensive list, that I created in Excel, but DI won't allow Excel files to be listed. Hope you enjoy!!!

    Also, if there are any more that I missed, please let me know. I only included those schools with degrees that list "I/O Psychology"; this excludes those degrees that are similar to I/O such as "Organizational Leadership".
  2. Jonathan Whatley

    Jonathan Whatley Well-Known Member

    Birkbeck University of London / University of London International Programme
    M.Sc. in Organizational Psychology

    A bit off from your center in title, but
    University of the Rockies
    M.A. in Psychology, with specializations including Business Psychology, Career Development and Counseling, Organizational Diversity, and Organizational Leadership
  3. Koolcypher

    Koolcypher Member

    Great list :smile:
  4. DxD=D^2

    DxD=D^2 Member

    Is the University of London RA??? If someone earned a degree from U of London would they be able to adjunct? My gut tells me no.
  5. Jonathan Whatley

    Jonathan Whatley Well-Known Member

    It is possible that a U.S. school would decline or look less highly on a credential from one of the great universities of the world because is outside the U.S. and holds, say, a Royal Charter rather than U.S. regional accreditation.

    I think it would be kind of shocking. Dr. Douglas, Itinerant Administrator Foerster and others could comment more authoritatively.

    (Not amused:)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2012

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