Academic publication

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by asafradkin, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. asafradkin

    asafradkin New Member

    Do people today search for a platform where they can publish their work?

    Are there many people who would like to publish their thesis but cannot find the platform to do so?
  2. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Yes. It appears that academic publishing is increasing, not decreasing, possibly due to the myriad electronic forms now available.
    Yes. But it's not for a lack of "platforms." Rather, it is more about being able to (a) synthesize one's thesis into a journal article or (b) chunking the thesis into several articles and (c) make either compelling enough (and good enough) to publish.
  3. ebbwvale

    ebbwvale Member

    I was doing a Doctorate by Publication in Public Policy. i achieved the required published articles. Unfortunately, I got ill and had to discontinue. I only had the exogensis to go, but that's life. I suggest that you adopt a thematic approach and then you may be able to get a number of articles out of the thesis. I would start with an article articulating the topic and why it is important (basically the lit review). You can the move the train to the next station in another followup article on research and findings. You may also find side issues in the thesis that are also worthy of being researched and published. I have been published six times in peer reviewed criminal justice journals. I have one article pending.

    Expect a significant time between submission and acceptance, then a further time until publication. It is important to get a good fit between your article and the journal. Rejection may not mean a bad article. It may just mean the wrong journal. Publishing is a good for the resume as it indicates industry relevance for your topic area outside the university setting. I would also recommend conferences. You get the opportunity to present to a peer group, defend your submissions before an industry group, and you can get published in conference proceedings after the conference as well. This process facilitates networking that may be good for your career. It is a great way for distance learners to overcome any criticism that their degree was lacking because they did not interact collegially with their fellow students. You will be bypassing the student interaction and going to the industry group. The published article may also alleviate any criticism that you may face with your choice of university. The article is subject to a blind review where the reviewers do not know your name or really anything about you other than your printed word. It is judged on its merits, not on your credentials.

    There are plenty of journals around. Have a go and if you miss out so what?
  4. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    It seems to me that the last two members have made good points.
  5. GeeBee

    GeeBee Member

    You have to love a forum where even a spam post can spark an interesting and useful discussion.

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