Dealing with Examination Stress

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by seanisner123, Apr 25, 2012.

  1. seanisner123

    seanisner123 member

    It is common to get stressed during examination, but letting this stress affect you while writing your paper can be bad for your performance. You need to know how to deal with stress. Firstly do not overthink about the exams and results, keep your mind clear of all these thoughts and just focus on studies. Have a positive outlook and picture yourself performing well. When we get anxious we have a lot of thoughts in mind. Stop these thoughts and tell yourself to STOP thinking all negative things. You can control what you think and that will help you to curb anxiety. Eat good and healthy food, food that lifts your good, wear fresh clothes and enjoy what you are wearing. Divert your mind but do not loose focus and you will be fine.

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    Well, don't worry too much about stress because it has the same amount numbers of "S" for success. lol

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