certificate in spirituality

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by linbored, Oct 26, 2011.

  1. linbored

    linbored Member

    I'm looking for a certificate in spirituality similar to this one offered at St. Francis Xavier but less costly, and maybe with a healthy dose of liberal teachings in there, doesn't have to be strictly biblical. The one at St. Francis is $500 a course x 5 courses plus books.
    St. Mary's has one that's 21 credits at $945 a course.
    It doesn't have to be Transfer credit ready-as it's for my own personal growth/learning.
  2. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

  3. linbored

    linbored Member

    thank you, I'll look into those.
  4. rmm0484

    rmm0484 Member

  5. linbored

    linbored Member

    Interesting! Thanks.

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