MC's Progress Report, For Those Who Are Curious

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Maniac Craniac, Oct 10, 2011.

  1. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    I haven't given an update in quite a while on my musings and progress, so this is for those who are wondering when the Maniac will ever finish.

    I am currently, officially, a student at TESC enrolled in a BA in Social Sciences program. The truth is, I'm pretty much done with the degree and can finish it at any point in time that I want, but a few new considerations have come my way which have caused me to hold off for a bit. For one, I am in no hurry for a degree, so I have taken the wiser path of delaying my last few credits and graduation until the year 2012 to take full advantage of tax benefits (since I'm maxed out in education tax credits for 2011).

    My goal still is to finish the BA and then immediately go for a BSBA, but after much consideration, I decided to take a stab at the accounting concentration rather than the general management concentration, for dozens of reasons that should be obvious. If I get enough credits in accounting, I could even sit for the CPA if I chose to change career directions, which is another nice option to have, especially in such an unsure economy where digging a single career path is itself becoming a form of market speculation.

    Then again, if I am painfully bored in Accounting I and II, then I might just drop that whole idea and pole vault my way to finishing up a general BSBA by taking more for-credit exams.

    One way or the other, 2012 is the year where I finally take the long, deliberate, journey to completion. Some people have postulated that I could have finished much more quickly if I simply chose a direction and just went for it. True, I say, but I would have spent much more money since my tax credits would have maxed out in whatever year I decided to do it, and I would be getting a degree without being certain that I had made the right decision. That is not a situation I would have liked to be in, and overall I am extremely happy with the current direction I am taking :approve:

    I have still not completely ruled out getting MBA one day, but I have put off even thinking about it until I'm done with both Bachelor's degrees :fing02:
  2. JBjunior

    JBjunior Active Member

    That is the good thing about degrees, you can get more than one......

    Also, since you are making a big deal about the tax credits (saving money), what enrollment option are you in at TESC where it makes sense to prolong paying their fees?

    Regardless, thanks for the update and good job on the progress.
  3. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    Sounds like you have a rock solid plan!!!! Thanks for the update.
  4. ryoder

    ryoder New Member

    Have you considered taking TESC up on their bachelors to masters program?
    You could take a few remaining classes at the masters level for a low cost. Their MSM is not cheap though.

    If you don't like accounting, I would recommend the general business degree. Consider it the liberal arts of business. You can dabble in anything you like, from MIS to finance to HR management.

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