Accumulating Credits Before Being Regestered in a Program.

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by SlappyWhite, Sep 6, 2011.

  1. SlappyWhite

    SlappyWhite New Member

    I have a quick (and maybe silly) question regarding credit accumulation from CLEP, GRE, ECE and TECEP tests. First a little background:

    I am having my Canadian transcripts evaluated by WES for admission into COSC. I have three years worth of credits, I am hoping to get between 60 and 90 credits towards the 120 I need for a BSc. All my credits are science, math, engineering and english, very few "liberal arts" credits. I will need to cover off the LA/gen ed credits and then maybe some specifics to cover off a concentration (I am thinking technology, math, computer science or maybe physics--basically whichever one I am closest to now).

    So now on to my question, if I take CLEP, GRE, ECE or TECEP exams prior to being registered where do the credits/results go? Will the testing organization hold the credits/results for a time period until I have them sent to COSC at a latter date? Basically I am trying to figure out the timing so I can reduce the overall cost. I do not want to pay extra for the school to bank credits and I want to keep the registration period to the minimum to keep the per semester charges down.

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