Could my School(Walden) be hurting my job hunt ?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Joeybsmooth, Jul 12, 2011.

  1. Joeybsmooth

    Joeybsmooth New Member

    Before I went to Walden I looked into it and I saw mostly good things. However now I think it could be hurting me in my hunt for a new job. Has anyone ran into anything like this before . I mean it would be like I wasted 3 years.

    I am thinking about getting respecialized after I get out of Walden so the first thing people see will not be Walden .
  2. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    It's better than U of P..right?? No I doubt its hurting your job hunt. An unfinished degree and a bad market is though.
  3. major56

    major56 Active Member

    It’s the economic continued declines and uncertainty in industries which subsequently adversely affect the scarcity in employment opportunities. The Walden University degree has nothing to do with the chain reaction. :sad6:
  4. TCord1964

    TCord1964 New Member

    The answer is: it depends. Some employers look down on degrees from for-profit schools, some want to see a degree from a school whose name they instantly recognize such as a state university or college, and others don't care, so long as it's a regionally accredited degree and they can check a box on the form. Other employers will accept a nationally accredited degree, so long as they can check the proverbial box.

    The main thing that's hurting you is the current state of the economy and the job market. A lack of a degree will hurt you more than having one from Walden.
  5. Joeybsmooth

    Joeybsmooth New Member

    i just saw people talking bad about schools like Walden.. but I guess you guys are right. I did not go into Walden willy nelly I really did look into it. NOw after almost 3 years I can not turn back down.
  6. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    No matter what people will have an opinion and you will never please everyperson everytime. Be proud of what you have done and press on.
  7. major56

    major56 Active Member

    I wrote nothing critical towards Walden. It’s the horrible economy … not your Walden degree source. I personally know several Walden degree holders. To my knowledge, there’s never been any question by industry as to their Walden credential.

    Finish your Walden degree and try to remain positive. Remember, the degree will in general only get you in the door; it’s the thereafter that’s most important.
  8. SurfDoctor

    SurfDoctor Moderator

    I agree with Major56; it's not you, it's the economy.

    Only in a very few industries do employers look at your school and then make decisions based on that. In most cases, your degree is just a check mark in a box on a resume. They ask themselves "Does this person have a legitimate degree?" and that's all they care about, usually. What they look at is your talent, character and your experience. Experience in their particular industry is the most important thing to most employers.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2011
  9. Petedude

    Petedude New Member

    Some regions are more sensitive about where you got your degree than others. Seems to me the coastal regions are the worst, as they have the highest number of colleges for their land area. I'm told Californians have a stigma towards completely online schools like Capella.

    Hang in there. Do anything you can to polish/add credentials to your resume.
  10. SurfDoctor

    SurfDoctor Moderator

    I am an employer in California and I have not seen this issue. I'll bet it does exist in the financial sector, which is something I have little contact with.
  11. Petedude

    Petedude New Member

    The online stigma in California is definitely more pronounced in education, finance and medicine. I've also run into a few HR recruiters in SoCal, both for contracting firms and internal HR who exhibit this behavior. It's especially problematic if the school listed on the resume is out-of-state.

    Of course, there are fields where the effect is lessened. IT is one-- folks in or near that field are often more acclimated to learners trying new/different educational options.

    I think the stigma is influenced in part by the notion of "There are so many great local schools, why would you want to go anywhere else?" The stance is ignorant of many facts, but if there's anything I've had reinforced to me by people over the last few months it's that few people like to let facts get in the way of a held opinion. :)

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