Foreign Language class online

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by FlyingHigh, Jul 10, 2011.

  1. FlyingHigh

    FlyingHigh New Member

    Has anyone done a foreign language class online? I'm considering trying it. I'd rather do it in person, but I'm about to be reassigned and won't be here for an entire semester and where I'm going, there is no school with the language I want. It appears the school uses Rosetta Stone and requires a microphone. Does anyone know how well this would work?
  2. major56

    major56 Active Member

    Which foreign language do you want to take?
  3. FlyingHigh

    FlyingHigh New Member

    Arabic. My father is Lebanese, so I would be able to talk to him to help with pronunciation and and get help from him when needed. I want to be able to talk with family that I have that can't speak English and I am also looking at possibly going to school in Lebanon in a couple years.
  4. major56

    major56 Active Member

    Oregon State University-Extended Campus:
    Arabic -- Online Foreign Language Courses -- Oregon State University -- Extended Campus -- Ecampus

    UMUC: Foreign Language Area Studies - Arabic Curriculum
    Foreign Language Area Studies - Arabic Curriculum - UMUC Europe

    University of West Florida-Online: Arabic Language and Culture Certificate
    UWF - Online Campus -

    CALU: Online B.A. Arabic Language and Culture degree (30 credits)
    Bachelor of Arts in Arabic Language and Culture : CAL U - California University of Pennsylvania
  5. Messdiener

    Messdiener Active Member

    The CALU program sounds very interesting. A 30 credit B.A.? How would that be received by employers!?
  6. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    I have not really checked but I'm guessing that the 30 credits is the requirement within the Dept of Arabic Studies. There will be additional general education credits required.
  7. Messdiener

    Messdiener Active Member

    Hm, I assumed as much but am nevertheless accustomed to universities being a bit more specific in their wording (for example, saying that the major only requires 30 credits, not the entire B.A.)!

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