PLEASE VOTE (and comment) on the "like" system and related scrollbars within posts

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Chip, Mar 15, 2011.


Should we keep or dump the "like post" system and related scrollbars within posts?

  1. Yes, the "like" function is worthwhile and I can put up with the scrollbars within posts

    4 vote(s)
  2. No, I see no major benefit and the scrollbars are distracting and annoying

    19 vote(s)
  3. Other (please comment in thread)

    3 vote(s)
  1. Chip

    Chip Administrator

    Well, I have finally figured out what caused the scroll bars within posts and the "like" functionality to suddenly appear.

    It is apparently a "feature" added on the latest version of one of the plugins we use to get our site higher visibility in search engines. I recently upgraded that software and while making some configuration changes, ran across the functionality.

    So... the question is, now that the feature has been installed for a couple of weeks, do people want to keep it, or have it go away? (It does not seem to be an option to keep the "like" functions without also keeping the scrollbars; near as I can tell, they must go together.)

    Please vote and comment as appropriate.
  2. dlcurious

    dlcurious Member

    The likes are okay, don't like the fact that you'll get a notification of a like but it doesn't tell you what was liked or by who. The scrollbars are annoying. As a package deal, 1 vote to scrap them.
  3. ITJD

    ITJD Active Member

    Scrollbars I could do without.

    Likes are cool. I don't like that I can click on a link to take me to my likes in the CP and nothing is listed. Seems like it's a half baked mod.

    So nix the scrollbars but keep the likes provided we get full disclosure in the CP.

    As a package deal.. I'd kill em.
  4. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    The LIKE feature is nice. The LIKE notification feature is useless. What scrollbars? :thinkerg:
  5. Chip

    Chip Administrator

    I will also explore whether there's another "like" feature we can install that doesn't involve scrollbars :)
  6. eilla05

    eilla05 New Member

    +1...can we also nix the 10 character requirement why were at it? +1 is just
  7. GeneralSnus

    GeneralSnus Member

    Please kill the annoying scrollbars. Whatever benefit the like function may offer is more than outweighed by the horrible scrollbars.
  8. SurfDoctor

    SurfDoctor Moderator

    The Like function seems like a good idea, but the implementation is not so great in this current vBulletin. I vote that we turn them off for now and explore them again in a future update.
  9. StefanM

    StefanM New Member

    Ditch them both. What I would like to see is a rating system for posters (+/-) that accumulates. I think that would be more helpful than the current "like" system. I've seen this on another board, but I'm not sure if vBulletin has this functionality.

    Also, if we could have different titles other than "registered user" for non-moderators, it would be excellent. A tiered system could be nice.
  10. emissary

    emissary New Member

    +1 I hate that requirement. The "like" is nice because you can give a brief affirmation without having to spend the time to create an entire post (read: efficiency vs. my ineptitude in brevity).

    As far as the notifications, I could care less. I am less concerned with who agrees with me then I am in throwing a quick kudos to someone else.

    I agree that as a package deal, they should be eliminated. Eliminate the 10-character requirement. It's just as easy to throw a quick :iagree: or :wtf: as it is to hit "like."
  11. emissary

    emissary New Member

    Is it amusing to anyone else that this thread is yet another STICKY?
  12. emmzee

    emmzee New Member

    To me "liking" thing seems pretty useless. I agree with the idea of having at cumulative +/- rating system for posters rather than posts.
  13. emissary

    emissary New Member

  14. StefanM

    StefanM New Member

    I don't mean custom titles.

    I'm talking about a tiered system like this:

    0-25 posts: Freshman

    26-75 posts: Sophomore

    76-125 posts: Junior

    126-500 posts: Senior

    501-1000 posts: Grad Student
  15. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    Since they're a package deal I'd say lets get rid of the likes and the scroll bars.
  16. NorCal

    NorCal Active Member

    I agree, +1
  17. SurfDoctor

    SurfDoctor Moderator

    Just to be annoying to Chip, let's all "like" this post.:saevil:
  18. RBTullo

    RBTullo Member

    I do not like them Sam, I am.
  19. Chip

    Chip Administrator

    OK, so it seems there's pretty overwhelming dislike for the 'like' function. I've deactivated it.

    However, it turns out there is another "like" plug-in from another provider. I'm going to explore it further and see if it might be an option, since people seem to appreciate the "like" function but not the scrollbars.
  20. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member



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