A wave of cheap RA DL doctorates?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Cyber, Sep 8, 2010.

  1. Cyber

    Cyber New Member

    Do you think soon we will be seeing many RA doctorates from DL-only schools offered at "affordable" (@ $1,200 or less) tuition rates? It's beginning to feel that way...

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    Print your own diploma, and put Roger Andrews University "RA" as the institution for less than $1,200.00.
  3. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    Then will the masters degrees be $600.00? I'll take an MBA please. What the heck?! I'll take 2!!! And a dozen or so certificates on the side.
  4. mcjon77

    mcjon77 Member

    When you say $1,200, do you mean:
    1) $1,200 per course
    2) $1,200 per credit hour
    3) $1,200 per semester
    4) $1,200 per degree

    $1,200 per course MIGHT be possible, but I question how much they are paying their faculty and how much of a workload they have.
    $1,200 per credit hour would be fantastic for the universities. For the students, not so much.

    $1,200 per semester or per degree is not feasible, financially. unless your coursework and dissertation are being evaluated in some sweatshop in Bangladesh.
  5. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Or do you mean...


    When you say $1,200 do you mean $12,000? (Typo.)

    This makes more sense to me, as there are starting to be NA doctorates at around this figure, sometimes even less..and I promise not to allude to Aspen again! :)

    If you mean $12,000 - I doubt we'll see any RA DL doctorates whatsoever for that anytime soon, unless maybe North Central (AZ) has a fire-sale, or there's a price-war.
    Now there's a concept I like! (Price war, not a fire at NCU!) :)

    The least expensive U.S. RA doctorates I've seen (and I don't claim extensive knowledge) seem to be mostly DBAs in the low-to-mid $20s. Maybe there are some Ed.D's available in that ballpark too, but a $12,000 doctoral program ($200 a credit?) at an RA school - well, in the early 60s, maybe. :)

    South Africa -yes. Here, I don't think so.

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2010
  6. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    A lot of people have said exactly this lately. I'm sure you realize (without me perfunctorily pointing it out) that this is, in fact an allusion to Aspen.

    This, however, is a warranted reference. If anyone knows of a less expensive accredited doctorate (in the USA), I'm sure there would be plenty of people who would sign up, not even caring what the degree is in.
  7. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member

    What schools did you have in mind?
  8. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    It might be a good idea for you to think about getting some nexium. It can often help with those uncomfortable feelings. ;)

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