Lower and Mid-Level Research Degrees

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by cravenco, Sep 7, 2010.

  1. cravenco

    cravenco New Member

    I have noticed, while attending college for many years that research is not the main goal taught in many universities. And as such research is only stressed on the Doctoral level of education.

    Are there not degrees, lower and mid-level, that stress research other than the MLIS?
  2. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    They are common in the UK (M.Res.) and I have come accross several in the US but do not recall where except I heard of this one at Drexel
    Master of Science in Clinical Research for Health Professionals (CRHP).

    One of the reasons I pursued my MSQA because it included several courses related to researchrevolved around research ('Design of Experiments' for example).
  3. emmzee

    emmzee New Member

    It seems like more B&M master's courses are primarily research based, compared to online courses. Ex I am considering enrolling in this program in my area, it's primarily research based but on-campus only:

    York University: Graduate Program in Humanities

    I'm not sure why more online schools don't take this route ... is it due to accreditation requirements that schools cannot offer degrees that are primarily research based online?
  4. workingmom

    workingmom New Member

    I'm currently supplmenting my DL degree work w/ volunteer work in a lab, because reseach is so stressed in even gaining entrance to funded (B&M) PhD programs. In fact, many people will work for two years post BA/BS gaining the research experience to get into these programs. But, I can say for psychology research is stressed at many schools at the BA/BS level for traditional B&M classes. It would be hard to replicate this online.

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