American Graduate University

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by davesaint, Jun 28, 2010.

  1. davesaint

    davesaint New Member

    Does anyone out there attended to know the reputation of the American Graduate University? Their degrees seemed geared to the government side.

    I like that they over an Earned Value Management course.

  2. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    I've known about this university since the late 70s (I recall that its name was slightly different initially).

    They offered courses to govt contractors which were well regarded. Since then they became DETC accredited and I have met several contractor personell or govt contracting officers with credentials from them. At one time they were one of the few places that taught C/SCS . If you know C/SCS and can program Excel then it is not too difficult to land a decent paying job.
  3. davesaint

    davesaint New Member

    Thanks Ian! What is C/SCS?
  4. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

  5. davesaint

    davesaint New Member

    Good info. I'm a Senior Scheduler for Boeing. I want to remain in a Specialist role. I'm also interested in Contracts.


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