Hello, need a little help

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by kesau, Apr 7, 2010.

  1. kesau

    kesau New Member

    I am midway through my dissertation and my organization pulled their approval for me to survey the employees. Any ideas on how I may go about securing another organization? I need written approval to administer a survey on employee engagement. The survey will take no more than 10 minutes to complete and will be sent with a consent form and a link to be completed via survey monkey.

    All suggestions welcome, thanks!
  2. Shawn Ambrose

    Shawn Ambrose New Member

    Ouch - looks likes you have major issues, because by switching organizations, you are making major changes to your study, and at a minimum, you will need to get IRB approval for the change before you find a new organization. This may also include a revision of the proposal as well before going on.

    Help us out here, what type of organization originally agreed on the survey? Could you contact the employees indirectly (do the employees need the approval of the company - or can the employees complete the survey on their off time?)

    What are similar industries? What industries has your chair/committee worked with? Can they assist? What about professional groups that you've presented conferences at, etc.?

  3. kesau

    kesau New Member

    Hi Shawn,

    The good thing is I haven't went to IRB yet. The organization that originally agreed was a global financial mgmnt company. At Argosy, we can not survey employees until we have written approval from the organization. The written approval must be submitted w/the IRB application.

    My chair person suggested contacting the local SHRM for help as well as asking others for leads. However, the president at my local SHRM chapter says they no longer support surveys because of poor participation rates. I have 2 companies currently running the idea by their HR department and hope to have a response soon. However, if that doesn't go through I may have to utilize LinkedIn and/or other networking sources as my medium for collecting data.

    The change of organization doesn't change my dissertation too much. The primary issue is the methodology section (ch 3) which is what I was working on. The other major hinderance is my prospectus was in the approval process now I'm in a holding pattern because the change in methodology (sample etc.) has to be reflected in the prospectus. In addition, I was to have my first oral defense by the end of April.

    If I can secure a willing organization in the next week I might still be able to defend my proposal by month end & make the May IRB deadline. However, I'm pushing it at this point.
  4. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    I started on a Ph.D. journey but did not get further than the first course for several reasons. Anyway a survey was one of my dissertation ideas and I was going to send it to members of a professional society to which I belong (The topic was going to research whether membership enhanced ones career prospects).
  5. kesau

    kesau New Member

    Hi Ian,

    Sorry to hear you weren't able to progress through the program. I'm currently pursuing the possibility of surveying some of the local societies i.e. SHRM. Unfortunately, there is a negative stigma associated to surveys and some of the local chapters don't support that option.

    Thanks for your response!
  6. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    Don't be sorry - I'm not. My former employer was paying my NCU tuition then I got a great early retirement offer and took it. Shortly thereafter NCU raised theit tuition rates and I decided a better use for my money is traveling and buying nice bicycles.
    I am now a consultant and I rarely get asked for academic credentials.

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