Distance Learning Childbirth Course Beams Daddy Home

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Jonathan Whatley, Mar 26, 2010.

  1. Jonathan Whatley

    Jonathan Whatley Well-Known Member

    Soldier attends Springs childbirth classes while in Iraq (Arun Sivasankaran, South Florida Sun Sentinel, web-posted March 25, 2010)

    This is one of the best distance learning stories ever.
  2. cookderosa

    cookderosa Resident Chef

  3. SurfDoctor

    SurfDoctor Moderator

    Yes, DL has become a wonderful benefit for service men and women, many of whom have a lot of down time and the opportunity to use that time to improve their education. I have never served, but my good budy from high school spent a double term in Iraq and he tells me that this is true. How great it is to see that it also helped a young father be more involved in the birth of his child when he was not able to be there in person.

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