online history degree

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by afp41, Feb 8, 2010.

  1. afp41

    afp41 New Member

    I was hoping someone could provide some program/school suggestions for an online bachelor degree in history. I've come across the common kaplan/ashford/umuc stuff, but was curious if anyone had a first-hand opinion. I'm currently in NC now and will be moving back to CA, but can't suggest how long I'll be there (work). So ideally a program that doesn't require living near a campus...
  2. airtorn

    airtorn Moderator

    My wife did her BA in Humanities through UMUC with a large history component. She did it in a mix of online and in-residence classes while we lived in England. There were no complaints about the quality of the classes or the instructor side of the house. There were a few minor issues with the UMUC-Europe specifically related to financial aid and the registrar office. Overall, the degree was beneficial in that she used it to move on into grad school at one of the local state universities and then on to a decent job with the state government.
  3. bazonkers

    bazonkers New Member

    Take a look at American Military University if you are OK with a for-profit school. They have really good course offerings in History.
  4. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

  5. VickyGetEducated

    VickyGetEducated New Member

    Online Bachelors History

    The University of Illinois Online (Springfield Campus) has a bachelor's completion (last 60 credits) 100% online. Their E-Tuition makes their per credit rate about $250 for learners nationwide (half that of most for profit options) BUT be careful of the fees. There are some odd "mandatory fees" they tack on as I read it. Also, you have to have associates or equivalent (RA) to apply.
  6. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    From the Great State of Alabama

    Judson College offers a BA in History by distance learning. At $409/hr., this 128-hr. degree costs $52,352. They are accredited by the Southern Association.

    Troy University offers the BS in History online, with American/Latin American emphasis, Civil Rights emphasis, and European/Asian/African emphasis. At $193/hr. in-state and $386/hr. out-of-state, these 120-hr. degrees cost in-staters $23,160 and out-of-staters $46,320. They are accredited by the Southern Association.
  7. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    From the Great State of Arizona

    Arizona State University offers a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies, with one of the options being History. At $248/hr., ostensibly this 60-hr. completion degree would cost $14,880; however, since in-state tuition is capped at 7 hrs. and out-of-state tuition is capped at 11 hrs., in-staters can complete the degree for $6,944 and out-of-staters can complete the degree for $10,912. They are accredited by the North Central Asssociation.
  8. Warning: When Ted gets started, it is advisable to step out of his way. Give this thread a few days and we'll see 50 states, 15 countries and 6 uncharted territories represented.
  9. bazonkers

    bazonkers New Member

    Ted "The Academic Steamroller" Heiks. :) It's all great info, however!
  10. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    From the Great State of Connecticut

    Charter Oak State College offers a BA in History. At $195/hr. in-state and $265/hr. out-of-state, this 120-hr. program costs in-staters $23,400 and out-of-staters $31,800. They are accredited by the New England Association.
  11. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    From the Great State of Illinois

    The University of Illinois Springfield offers a BA in History degree completion plan. At $221/hr. in-state and $484.50/hr out-of-state, this 63-hr. completion degree costs in-staters $13,923 and out-of-staters $30,523.50. They are accredited by the North Central Association.
  12. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    From the Great State of Indiana

    Saint Mary of the Woods College offers an online BA in History/Political Science. At $424/hr., this 125-hr. degree costs $53,000. They are accredited by the North Central Association.
  13. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    From the Great State of Iowa

    Ashford University offers an online BA in History. At $458/hr., tuition for this 120-hr. degree is $54,960. They are accredited by the North Central Association.
  14. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    From the Great State of Bleeding Kansas "Dust In The Wind"

    Fort Hays State University offers an online BGS in History. At $168/hr., total program tuition for this 124-hr. degree comes to $20,832. They are accredited by the North Central Association.
  15. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    From the Great State of Maryland

    The University of Maryland University College offers an online BA in History. At $237/hr. in-state and $499/hr. out-of-state, tuition for this 120-hr. program is $28,440 for in-staters and $59,880 for out-of-staters. They are accredited by the Middle States Association.

    National Labor College offers an online BA in Labor History. Tuition is $174/hr. for AFL-CIO union members, $233/hr. for non-AFL-CIO union members, and $1137/hr. for non-union members. Thus, total program tuition is $20,880 for AFL-CIO union members, $27,960 for non-AFL-CIO union members, and $136,440 for non-union members. They are accredited by the Middle States Association.
  16. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    From the Great State of Iowa

    Buena Vista University offers an online BA in History. Tuition info was not readily accessible on their site.
  17. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    From the Great State of Massachusetts

    Harvard University's Extension School offers an ALB in History. Undergraduate tuition for the 128-hr. program is $900/course. They are accredited by the New England Association.

    Northeastern University offers an online BS in History. At $310/hr., this 160-hr. program costs $49,600. They are accredited by the New England Association.
  18. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    TESC has a BA in History

    Excelsor has BA or BS degree in Liberal Studies with a history major
    See also page 45 of the School of Liberal Arts catalog.

    The advantage of these colleges, as with COSC, is that you can earn your credits at any regionally accredited college or university.

    If you do move to California the community colleges there offer courses for around $24 per semester unit for California residents (with more than one years residency in CA as I recall).
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2010
  19. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    From the Great State of Missouri

    Columbia College offers the BA in History and the BA in American Studies online. At $220/hr., tuition for these 120-hr. programs is $26,400. They are accredited by the North Central Association.
  20. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    From the Great State of New Jersey

    Caldwell College offers an online BA in History. At $585/hr., this 120-hr. program costs $70,200. They are accredited by the Middle States Association.

    Thomas Edison State College offers the BA in History online. At $136/hr. in-state and $180/hr. out-of-state, this 120-hr. program costs in-staters $16,320 and out-of-staters $19,600. They are accredited by the Middle States Association.

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