  1. David H. Wilson

    David H. Wilson New Member

    If you took the SAT about 22 years ago, and about fifteen years later the college board recentered the test for some reason, do you spout your old SAT number or due to the kindness of history do you adopt the new one? I gained 80 points! How many traditional schools differance would that have made back in the day.
  2. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    "Recentered" -- I hadn't heard that term. It is, I think, the polite way of saying, "Scores were dropping so alarmingly, so what used to be a 'C' is now a 'B.' . . . and now we don't have to worry about the dumbing down of our country."

    John Bear, waiting for "svelte" to
    be officially redefinited as 230 pounds

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