Doctoral Studies Update

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by LadyExecutive, Dec 31, 2009.

  1. LadyExecutive

    LadyExecutive Member

    A very happy and prosperous New Year to everyone here. May this year be your best year yet!

    I received some good news today. My Department Chair has granted me permission to begin working on the first three chapters of my dissertation. I am taking my final class January 11, 2010. That class is an independent study course. My professor, who is also the Department Chair wants me to use that time to work on my dissertation. She will supervise, of course. I thought that I had to complete my comps before-hand but it doesn't seem to be so since she hasn't mentioned anything about my comps. I am surprised that she is allowing me to do this. I had my fingers crossed thinking that perhaps the school would waive my comps requirement since my GPA is 3.9. On second thought, I seriously doubt that would ever happen.

    I can't believe I've taken all of my courses. The time does seem to have flown by rather quickly. However, I do remember taking two, sometimes three classes at one time. I am happy that Argosy allowed me to do that, but if I had to do it again, I would never take more than one class at a time. I just didn't want to have to stay in school forever.

    Anyway, just thought that I'd let you know my progress since you have been the only support system I have ever had. I couldn't have arrived at this stage without you. I came here looking to work on a doctorate in public policy. By the time I was through, you managed to convince me to go for my doctorate in business administration. I decided to specialize in organizational leadership and development and now I am happy with my choice. I actually don't think I could have received better advice, than what you have given me here. So, thank you and I will keep you posted on how my dissertation is coming along.

    I still haven't chosen a topic yet. Last time I came here I wanted to work on Ethics and Multinational Corporations. Now, I'm thinking that perhaps I should work on a topic centered around Conflict Management among Executive Leadership. I want to address such areas as diversity, emotional intelligence, leadership theories, and so on. I'd like to introduce my own model for conflict resolution. I'd also like to interview corporate leadership and find out how they address conflict in their organization. I've noticed that while leaders have a plan for working through intrapsychic, group to group and interpersonal conflict between subordinates, they do not seem to have a clue about how to address conflict at the leadership level. I find that topic very interesting and from what I've read, there needs to be further research in this field. What are your thoughts?


  2. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    That is great news to hear and a great way to finish the year. As far as the above, at the leadership level we talk behind peoples back and wish they would just go away! :D

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!


    First of all, I want to congratulate for your progress. I am curious, do you some of the course sample syllabus? If so, can I get several copies of them? I tried to get from the admission advisor, but she doesn't give me to. I just want to see how their course layout. My email [email protected]

  4. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member

    Many congrats, Shay! Sounds like your dissertation chair knows what she is doing and is a good communicator. Good for you.
  5. mbaonline

    mbaonline New Member


    Shay, that's great news. I have similar ideas for my dissertation but have not done any research and have no suggestions for you. Sounds like you'll fgure it out though and I can't wait to hear of your passing your comps.

    Do you have to do your comps in person?

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