Perception of National University as a B&M

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by MichaelOliver, Dec 5, 2009.

  1. In your opinion, what is the general perception of National University? Is it considered a school that is primarily a B&M, even though it offers online degrees as well? I'm wondering how my master's from there will look on a resume or vita when compared to 100% online schools. Will it be more appreciated by HR at traditional universities? Or would they lump NU into the same category with totally online schools such as Capella or Walden? What do you think?
  2. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    You seem very concerned with perceptions. What works for you? What do you plan to do with the degree - teach or corporate? If you are that concerned with perception, it will probably haunt you no matter what anyone else says. Why not just pick a school with a strong name for a masters like UF, USF, Cal State U, Harvard, etc.?
  3. The only thing that matters is that you look good! ;-p

    JK...I have settled on NCU for my PhD and will be starting next month, and I feel good about it. I pose this question because I've read some posts referring to my alma mater, National University, as a B&M and was happy to hear that reference. Looks better on the vita. Just wanted to know if others concurred with that perception.

    I'm already a teacher, Jr high, and a business man simultaneously. My highest goal with this PhD is to pick up a little adjunct work on the side to pay myself back for the cost of the degree. This BB has been fantastic for helping in my research about different schools. I am grateful; thanks so much to everyone.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2009
  4. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    Living in Southern California I have always considered NU to be primarily a B&M school. You could probably get an idea of the mix between on-campus and DL degrees by reviewing their website.

    What degree are you interested in?
  5. Farina

    Farina New Member

    You should probably google the degree and see where people with your same degree and university are working. I'm doing the MFA with National and so far so good. I've been able to find some teachers and at least one fine arts college professor working with a MFA from National University.
  6. bicycledude

    bicycledude member

    Well, if you type in National University, it says "Accredited online, On-Campus college degrees".

    The website also looks pretty cheesy. Here are some horrible reviews of that for-profit school...

    It got voted 11th worst online school.
  7. I have a master's from there, but I never thought of NU as a B&M. I delighted that others do. Looks better on a resume or vita.
  8. I totally loved NU. Out of all the teachers I had, starting with my teaching credential and on through my master's degree, I only had one teacher who I would consider a dog. That's a much better percentage of good teachers than I found at any of the B&M's I attended. It was a top shelf experience all the way. Rest assured, you have chosen well.
  9. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    Well, everyone has an opinion and I would not consider 29 surveys to be a true measure. Who voted it as the 11th worst online school?
  10. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    Now that is funny!

    I think of NU as an online school because I live on the east coast and never heard of them. (sorry).
  11. Farina

    Farina New Member

    I think this is the same problem/observation that people have about Nova Southeastern. I have found that those who live outside of Florida see it more of an online school because of its large online presence. But those of us who live in Florida may have a more B&M perception of Nova due to its campus in Ft. Lauderdale and regional campuses throughout the state.
  12. Arch23

    Arch23 New Member

    National University IS a B&M school that has widely-promoted distance learning programs here in Southern California.
  13. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    National University is a "not-for-profit" organization.

    I recall hearing that it is the next in size to Unversity of Southern California (USC).
  14. Those reviews are usually posted by disgruntled washouts. BB's like that have turned into a place for the unsuccessful to vent their frustrations. Have you noticed the English skills of most of those who post extremely negative reviews? Judging from their writing skills, it's not difficult to see why they would be a washout. You will find terrible reviews of every school you research using those BB's. IMO, they are almost useless in determining the true value of a school.

    I found NU to be a fantastic experience. But I am an excellent student, 4.0 GPA, and a very hard worker. I think your experience at almost any school will be what you make it to be.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2009
  15. Go_Fishy

    Go_Fishy New Member

    Dissatisfied people are always more likely to write reviews than content people. I wouldn't worry too much about those "rankings."

    Living in Oregon, I know NU primarily as a multi-campus B&M school. They are very international student-friendly, which is nice.
  16. bicycledude

    bicycledude member

  17. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    An acquaintance who graduated with a Bachelors in education from the University of South Florida (USF) regretted getting a Masters from National University (NU). NU came to his k-12 campus for two years and provided their non-traditional education. He seemed ashamed to have a NU degree after getting a degree from an allegedly prestigious school such as USF. :rolleyes: I never understood his shame. At that time, I didn't even have a Bachelors degree, so I looked up to him for having a NU Masters degree. Whatever degree you go for, it's important for you to believe in it. Your perception is extremely important to your satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Perceptions are willy nilly anyways.
  18. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    You couldn't have said it better!!!
  19. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    One positive thing that I can say about National is that they remain the only RA school that has an MFA program in Creative Writing that can be completed entirely through distance learning.

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