Calif. school licensing bill on governor's desk

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by John Bear, Sep 29, 2009.

  1. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    AB48, the bill that would reinstall a school approval system for California, was delivered to the governor at 11:30 am, yesterday, Sept. 28.

    He vetoed a previous one, and, as far as I know, hasn't commented on this one. We, and Breyer State, and many others await with interest.
  2. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    If this one gets vetoed, does this bill have enough support in the legislature for a veto override?
  3. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Veto override: Who knows? Only a few weeks ago, it was defeated in the Senate 18-17 with many not voting. And a few days after that it passed, something like 40 to 12 I think. There may be many legislators with twisted arms visiting their chiropractors this week.

    The legislature doesn't come back into session until December, so there is plenty of time for backroom stuff. (Although the Gov. may call a special session.)
  4. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    I just sent the governor an email requesting he sign AB48.
  5. dlady

    dlady Active Member

    I used to live in a small town in FL (until actually just a couple months ago). In 2001, a state investigation found that the local city government and police force was corrupt and they disbanded the whole lot, leaving us for 6 months with no local police force. A band of around 25 ten-to-twelve year olds formed a gang called the Dover Locos, and spray-painted their gang-sign over the whole place. When the new police force was finally approved, instead of painting over it or addressing the offenders, they planted trees in front of any open stretch of fencing.

    The above is absolutely true, and I see no similarities to the situation in CA at all.
  6. Robbie

    Robbie New Member

    Greetings Ian - hope your governor signs the Bill too. I hate to see CA having all of those mills moving back in.
  7. ShotoJuku

    ShotoJuku New Member

  8. ShotoJuku

    ShotoJuku New Member

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