Dissertation Writer's Retreat

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by adireynolds, Aug 29, 2009.

  1. adireynolds

    adireynolds New Member

    Hi y'all,

    I mentioned this in another thread, but thought I would start one specifically on this topic so more folks who might be interested could see it.

    Capella University holds events called Dissertation Writer's Retreats throughout the year in different locations throughout the U.S. The retreats are open to scholars who are currently ABD and have an approved topic and mentor/chair -- the retreats are open to both Capella and non-Capella doctoral candidates.

    The retreat is five days long and attendees get the chance not only to have quality writing time away from the distractions of normal life, but also on hand are writing, library, and methdological experts who are available for one-on-one sessions.

    For more information about it, here's the site: http://www.dissertationretreat.org/

    I'm signed up to do one the last week of September in Atlanta, so anyone else that decides to come to that one, give me a heads up through PM and we'll have to meet up for a coffee in-between the writing! :)

    Hope this information is useful, either for current folks at ABD status or for folks who will be in the future!

  2. mbaonline

    mbaonline New Member

    Great idea...

    Thanks for the info!

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