Nova alumni are everywhere in the academe

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Ike, Jan 11, 2002.

  1. Ike

    Ike New Member

    A search of the google web shows that Nova Southeastern University alumni (alumni that earned PhD, EdD, and DBA) by far outnumber alumni of other DL institutions in the academia. This includes DL institutions in this country and other countries. Does anybody know why?
  2. blahetka

    blahetka New Member

    A huge left wing conspiracy?

    Humans are the only animals that protect
    their stupid from the forces of evolution.

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  3. Gerstl

    Gerstl New Member

    Perhaps because Nova has been offering low residence doctorates for longer than any of the other major players and Is probably the most prolific of the schools offering low residence doctorates.
  4. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Nova offered the first really short-residency doctoral programs to become regionally accredited. Also, their model (clusters anywhere enough students could be gathered) was very growth-oriented.

    Nova's accreditation occured in the 1960's. Union didn't become accredited until 1985 (although they were a candidate since the mid-70's). Fielding became accredited in the early 80's. Sarasota followed in the late 80's, as did Walden. Capella was accredited in the 90's, and Touro International was just okayed recently.

    Early jump, growth-oriented marketing/delivery model. Good quality.

    Rich Douglas
  5. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Whoops. Nova was first accredited in 1971. They were established in 1964. My bad.

    Rich Douglas
  6. Andy Borchers

    Andy Borchers New Member

    Besides the many good reasons already given - NSU is by far the largest. With 17,000 students total at least half of which are distance ed (2500 in business, 4-5000 in education and 1000 or so in computer science) - they dwarf the other DL schools (except for UoP). When I worked through the Caspar figures, I found Sarasota and Union under 3,000 each.

    Thanks - Andy

    Andy Borchers, DBA
    NSU (1996)
  7. WalterRogers

    WalterRogers member

    Isn't this a rather dubious award... personally, I rather not need to qualify my credentials.

  8. Ike

    Ike New Member

    What is dubious about what I posted? There is nothing like dubious truth. A statement is either true or false. If there is a concept called "dubious truth", it would be understood by only phantoms that have experienced reincarnations.
  9. blahetka

    blahetka New Member

    I still say it's a left wing conspiracy. First hanging chads, now world domination by NSU alumni.

    (we need a smilie for "tongue in cheek"

    Humans are the only animals that protect
    their stupid from the forces of evolution.

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  10. Ike

    Ike New Member

    I still think that those hanging and pregnant chads must be counted because the intent of the voters was to vote for NSU. [​IMG]
  11. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

  12. rbourg

    rbourg New Member

    Ike, I always enjoy reading your NSU comments. However, I've come to the conclusion that despite being by far the largest of the RA-DL programs, NSU produces grads who seem to be among the most insecure. Grads from Saybrook, Fielding and Union seem to exude much greater confidence in the respectability and recognition of their degrees. NSU grads seem to suffer the same insecurities as those with U of Phoenix degrees. Any comments?
  13. SandraB

    SandraB New Member

    Why is this so?

    I have been browsing this forum because I am interested in an online business degree. I have decided on either University of Maryland or Nova Southeastern University. My boss has asked me to investigate NSU.

    Why are NSU graduates so paranoid?

  14. Ike

    Ike New Member

    I am very proud of myself. Those who know me can attest to that. Some even use the word “arrogant”. A Ph.D. from Nova will definitely make me feel very much better about myself.
    Insecurity? I don't understand what you mean by that. I will never, never, never feel insecure about a PhD from Nova. Instead, I will be very proud of my achievement. Nova is fully accredited by SACS. If gold rusts, iron will certainly rot. If I feel insecure, how would the graduates of state-approved, DETC, and unaccredited schools feel?

    Ike Okonkwo
    Ph.D. (ABD), Nova Southeastern University
  15. Ike

    Ike New Member

    I am not paranoid and I will never be. Please read my earlier response.
  16. Andy Borchers

    Andy Borchers New Member

    Some of us are paranoid because we've received hassles about having NSU degrees. Yes, the school is RA and has been around a while. But some folks (especially older academics) still have a bad image about the school. I believe that as time goes on, these bad impressions are fading.

    As I noted NSU is a large school - hence, it is better know (for better or worse) by more folks. Places like Capella, Sarasota, etc. have fewer grads and, hence, are less well know.

    Thanks - Andy

    Andy Borchers, DBA
    NSU (1996)
  17. WalterRogers

    WalterRogers member

    There isn't a DL institution in the US that is generally highly respected... there are very few DL institutions internationally that I am aware of (Open UK, Athabasca Can... I doubt you have checked Open, I don't think Athabasca offers Phd)... so your statement appears to be the equivalent of Nova winning gold in the Special Olympics (no offense intended to the physically or mentally impaired).

    PS. This is not a slight against Nova.

    PS. No understanding of phantom incarnation thing.

  18. WalterRogers

    WalterRogers member

    Pick up US News rankings... find Nova... look at academic respectability number... nuff said.

  19. rbourg

    rbourg New Member

    I'm not saying that you're insecure, far from it. It just seems that many posters are overly concverned about NSU and where it fits in the world. Maybe with instutional name changes being with all the rage NSU should do the same and drop its past if that is the problem. Today's NSU is a good school as far as I can tell.
  20. Andy Borchers

    Andy Borchers New Member

    But Walter - Pick up US News Ranking ... look for other DL programs (Argosy, Capella, Walden, UoP) ... and you won't find them at all! They aren't even listed.

    What does this say? I'm not sure.

    Regards - Andy

    Andy Borchers, DBA
    NSU (1996)

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