Undergraduate Business Degrees Web Site

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Gus Sainz, Jan 9, 2002.

  1. Gus Sainz

    Gus Sainz New Member

    This is a non-commercial Web site listing over 80 colleges and universities in the United States offering undergraduate business degrees that can be earned entirely via distance learning. The site provides links to over 80 institutions offering almost 200 different degree programs. The actual degree granted is specified, as well as program information and current tuition costs.

    It can be accessed here: http://collegedegrees.tripod.com

    Gus Sainz
  2. Mike Albrecht

    Mike Albrecht New Member

    Careful folks the link can crash your system, sure did mine. [​IMG]

    M. C. (Mike) Albrecht, PE
  3. Gus Sainz

    Gus Sainz New Member

    Sorry you experienced difficulties, Mike. I tried to duplicate your problem to no avail. I did not experience any problems linking from DegreeInfo using five different PCs and three different ISPs (including AOL); they all worked fine. Your crash could simply have been a coincidence.

    You’re not one of those contrarians that runs Netscape on a Mac, are you? If so, perhaps this link will work better: http://collegedegrees.tripod.com/index.htm . Alternatively, you might try cutting and pasting the url into your browser.

    Having created the entire site in HTML with MS Notepad (at least until it got too large for it), I can assure that there isn’t any malicious code at work. And Tripod’s ads may be annoying, but I’m fairly certain that such a large free web-hosting concern is not singling you out for some nefarious purpose.

    Please let me know if you (or anyone else) have problems accessing the site.

    Gus Sainz
  4. Tom Head

    Tom Head New Member

  5. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Gus, excellent job, no problems accessing it. Any plans to add graduate programs?

  6. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Yes indeed, the site is quite impressive. What was your motivation in creating it?

  7. BillDayson

    BillDayson New Member

    Worked fine for me, Gus.

    I was impressed with the work that went into it. Not only does it list the schools, but it describes their undergraduate business offerings in detail. Excellent!
  8. Mary A

    Mary A Member

    Nice site, Gus. Do any of these fall in to the degree completion category or are all of them the complete 4 year degree?

  9. Gus Sainz

    Gus Sainz New Member

    My motivation was simple: to help anyone inquiring about undergraduate business degrees. I am personally asked more questions about distance learning business degrees (primarily from my employees) than any other educational topic. I also managed to complete two of the tasks I wanted to accomplish over the holidays: clean out and organize my Favorites folder, and fulfilling my son’s wish that I teach him the basics of HTML. Although I was originally just going to post the site on the company intranet, I was convinced (once again by my employees) to post it on the Web as well, so that others may benefit.

    Thank you for your kind words.

    Gus Sainz
    Undergraduate"]http://collegedegrees.tripod.com]Undergraduate Distance Learning Business Degrees[/url]
  10. Gus Sainz

    Gus Sainz New Member

    Quite a few of the programs are degree completion programs, and where the institution only offers such a program it is stated in the description. The program definitions will either describe it as a degree completion program, a 2+2 program, or specify that the program requires an Associate’s degree or equivalent for admission. However, most of the programs will accept transfer credits (some up to 90 credits and more), and many accept an Associate’s degree as having fulfilled the general education requirements.

    Actually, there are probably fewer degree programs that can be completed solely by distance learning. I felt that it was important to differentiate between the programs that required an Associate’s degree and those that could be completed entirely at a distance, and as such, made that information available.

    Gus Sainz
    Undergraduate"]http://collegedegrees.tripod.com]Undergraduate Distance Learning Business Degrees[/url]
  11. Gus Sainz

    Gus Sainz New Member

    I do not presently have any plans to add graduate degrees (although I might in the future). I lack the time (it is amazing how difficult some institutions make it to find information on tuition, for example), and I feel if you are ready pursue a Master’s degree you should have, at a minimum, developed a fair modicum of research skills. Moreover, much information on distance MBAs is available, such as Dr. and Mariah Bear’s excellent book Bears’ Guide To The Best MBAs By Distance Learning as well as numerous Web sites such as Jonnie’s, Business Week’s and others.

    My intent was to help those that needed the most help: newbies and those seeking an undergraduate degree. I did not feel this need was specifically addressed, as underscored by the lack of responses to many inquiries. (For example, a recent sincere request on AED for information on a Bachelors degree in Marketing did not yield a single response.)

    I am also concerned that that DegreeInfo, with so many discussions concerning esoteric distance learning topics, may be intimidating and alienating those who are most in need of the knowledge and expertise of the members of this forum. As many who are just getting started in distance education may find the entire process overwhelming, I wanted to be able to give these individuals a gentle shove in the right direction, and ease their entry into the process by making all relevant information as accessible as possible.

    Gus Sainz
    Undergraduate Distance Learning Business Degrees

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