Job growth

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by aklover, Jul 23, 2009.

  1. aklover

    aklover New Member

    What careers, jobs, do you think will grow after this recession ends?
    I am looking to leave Alaska in the next few years since I think we are headed down a bad road. What is going to be in big demand?
  2. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    Anything connected with clean water - I've been reading and thinking about this future problem for a while and recently I'm starting to see more media attention devoted to the topic. Few parts of the world are immune to water shortages. So relevant degrees would include chemical/civil engineering and geology.

    Quality Assurance credentials can be used in just about any career sector.

    I predict the demand for mathematicians will be on the rise.

    And of course with an ever aging population the heath field will continue to offer opportunity (including need for equipment installation/maintenance personnel).
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2009
  3. BlueMason

    BlueMason Audaces fortuna juvat

    ..don't discard Law Enforcement ( all levels, including federal ) - it is one of the few careers that just about guarantees job security, and offers growth opportunities. Large police departments offer diverse work - one career, different jobs.
  4. DSB

    DSB New Member

    Information technology is sure to experience growth. The future will hold promising careers for professionals who are interested in making information more readily accessible. Along with many professions, this will be a major focus of the health care industry.
  5. lawrenceq

    lawrenceq Member

    Environmental jobs are on the rise. I say look at a environmental science or engineering degree program.

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