Explanation of Trimesters, Sessions, and Terms

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by soupbone, Jul 13, 2009.

  1. soupbone

    soupbone Active Member

    I hate to ask this question because I feel like it's something I should already be aware of but I cannot figure out the differences between these three section relating to Australian Universities. For example I was looking at Charles Sturts website and the calendar show these three sections with different dates for application of enrollment. The application for Trimester 3 is July 20th but I'm not clear if this is similar to the U.S. semester system and what it exactly means as far as taking courses. I apologize for this elementary question but I cannot find much on this except for wikipedia which is very limited. Thanks...

    2009 Sessions
    Autumn Session - February to June
    Spring Session - July to November

    2009 Trimesters
    Trimester 1 - January to April
    Trimester 2 - May to August
    Trimester 3 - September to December

    2010 Sessions
    Session 1 - March to June
    Session 2 - July to October
    Session 3 - November to February

    2010 Terms
    Term 2 - January to April
    Term 3 - May to August
    Term 1 - August to December

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