Into the Future

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by KidDL, Jan 6, 2002.

  1. KidDL

    KidDL member

    All of the posts I have been reading are great. I do see some people getting hung up on regional vs. ACSST/DETC and others for very valid reasons. It's all so territorial.

    All of this has made me think of the future. Many, many years after our deaths, how will schools be accredited on other planets? How will other life forms look at our system of education - primitive? I know this sounds very silly, but we all know that earth is not the last stop for mankind. Many, many moons from now, won't all of this seem rather silly? I know there must be standards and all, but I do think that it has turned into a game of "I'm better then you."

    Perhaps it is a way of self validating oneself -- maybe I am doing it now. Anway, just throwing it out there.
  2. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    I don't think there are too many posters "hung up" on accreditation differences. But there are many who wish to point out those very real and tangible differences. And almost none of them hold their credentials' supposed superiority over others (except Steve).

    As for other planets, it took us approximately 4.5 billion years to go about 384,400 km, with the last 30 years actually representing a regression away from said travel. Don't hold your breath.

    Rich Douglas
  3. KidDL

    KidDL member

    I disagree -in the last 7 years, scientists have discovered thousands upon thousands of planets. In fact so many, they now use numbers to identify them. As we evolve, anything is possible. Just think of impact of discovering life on another planet such as mars, or the moons of Jupiter, Io or Europa? Life on this world would change as we know it.

    Just one microorganism that is disovered will change the way we think about our lives, our place in the universe, religion and yes, education. 200 years ago, people would have laughed at the thought of telephones, television, etc. Well, enough with my diatribes.

    As for the educational credentials however, you make a good point and I agree.
  4. qjackson

    qjackson New Member

    Shhhhh or someone will start claiming accreditation by I.C.A. (Interstellar Council on Accreditation)

    Sound unlikely? About as unlikely as a coral reef being declared a sovereign state.


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