How much of a value would a certificate from Columbia University be?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by seduflow, Apr 28, 2009.

  1. seduflow

    seduflow New Member

    I am interested in the following program ,

    I wouldn't have to pay anything (employeer covers it) but I dont want to waste my time. My goal is to become a educational technologist or librarian in technology at a college or university. I am currently working on my masters in educatioanl technology at a different college.
  2. raristud

    raristud Member

    Do you work as a librarian? I know that many library positions require an ALA accredited degree in library science. I believe that an ALA accredited degree in library science will open more doors for you than a certificate from Columbia University. Since your employer pays for it, take advantage of the opportunity. I believe that a certificate in educational technology is overkill since you're working on a masters in the same area. You say that your goal is to be a librarian, so focus on obtaining the necessary credentials that will maximize your goals.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2009
  3. seduflow

    seduflow New Member

    I was first a computer teacher at a high school, but got layed off...recently I got a position in the IT dept at columubia univ. One of the benefits with the job is free tuition. I started the masters program while i was a computer teacher. I also plan on getting an ALA masters for the library positions.

    So heres another question, better to just finish my masters in educational technology (i would have 6 classes or so left), or start off and get the same degree from columbia univ? I only wish they had an ALA master
  4. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    How many units is your M.Ed.Tech -- does 6 courses mean 18 semester units? Can you transfer some of the units earned to Columbia?
    It wouls seem to me that gaining a Columbia degree would be a great acheivement.

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