My first DL experience

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Clapper, Mar 4, 2009.

  1. Clapper

    Clapper New Member

    I'm taking a master's level intro in health care administration as a non-degree student at SUNYIT. The course load is equally as great, perhaps more so, to any of those I took for my MSEd in counseling at a major metropolitan B&M university.

    I enjoy independent learning, especially not having to commute to a classroom, but I do find the almost complete anonymity a drawback. The lack of personal face-to-face interaction with the professor (and with the students, though to a lesser degree) makes establishing any kind of personal relationship seemingly impossible. There's no opportunity for schmoozing and the rapport that often develops from that. A DL professor, it would seem, is far less likely to take any more than a glancing interest in his students than his/her B&M counterpart.

    And seeking clarification from the professor's less-than-well-edited lecture notes (to put it kindly), and trying to be brief in the process because the prof's time is limited, is far from ideal.

    Just sharing . . .
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2009

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