Cracking The Clep

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by aware, Nov 18, 2001.

  1. aware

    aware New Member

    It was brought to my attention that a good preparation tool for the general clep exams(i.e.College Mathematics,English Composition w Essay,Natural Science and Humanities) is using "Cracking The Clep by Princeton Review.Has anyone on this forum used it?I have to take those exams and I would appreciate any feedbacks or comments.
  2. It was my crutch for the College Mathematics general exam; it, and about 15 hours of preparation, got me a 72nd percentile score. And there are few greater "math-o-phobes" than I.

    While the strategies recommended in the book are still basically sound, be aware that the test has gone entirely computer-based since the last edition of "Cracking the CLEP." The questions still cover the same content (and are still written in the same style.) The book examples were eerily close to the actual test.

    On the down side, the book only provides real coverage for the General exams. If you're going to take Subject exams also, I would order the "official" guide from the College Board in addition to "Cracking the CLEP." It's not a bad idea, in any event, even if you're just taking the Generals.
  3. wz7w

    wz7w New Member

    I haven't used Cracking the CLEP but at under $8 each I think the COMEX books are a great value. I have only taken Nat Sci, History Soc Studies, and Humanities. I doubt the other two are bad though. Best to you.

  4. aware

    aware New Member

    I did a search on the web for the Comex books but i could not find their site.Do they have a site?
  5. wz7w

    wz7w New Member

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