SNHS Accreditation Legitimacy

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Barry_Parsnip, Feb 21, 2009.

  1. Barry_Parsnip

    Barry_Parsnip New Member

    A while back there was a very interesting thread concerning the legitimacy of several holistic medicine schools, including the School Natural Health Science (http:\\

    The original thread can be found here -

    The (apparent) spokesperson for the SNHS at the time's arguments were rather unprofessional to say the least, and several pieces of information were unearthed which seriously questioned the SNHS' credentials. However, nothing came of it, and no more research was carried out.

    I am interested in taking a long distance holistic medicine course and was wondering if you guys had any information regarding the SNHS, or just as importantly, their 'accreditors', the International College of Hollistic Medicine.
  2. Go_Fishy

    Go_Fishy New Member

    The school's website looks like it was created with family website builder kit. There are also several spelling mistakes. The whole thing looks so unprofessional that I wouldn't enroll even if they were legitimate. Would you want to take DL classes from a school that can't even maintain a decent website? ;)

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