Online inexpensive science course

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Shawn Ambrose, Oct 18, 2008.

  1. Shawn Ambrose

    Shawn Ambrose New Member

    Good evening:

    I am looking for the wisdom of the board...

    I am looking for an inexpensive online science course for my 17 yr old son: Here are the requirements:

    Not Biology - since he is enrolled currently at Clovis Community College

    Not Chemistry - he hated with a passion the chem in his bio course

    Not Physics - Math is not his best subject

    I know that we could "Cram and CLEP" - but I would rather have him take a course. I'd like to get one more college science course if this possible. Thanks in advance!


    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    Not Biology, Not Chemistry, Not Physics.

    Are you looking for these?
    Political Science
    Physical Science
    Computer Science
  3. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    Hi Shawn - You've got to give us more help!

    Not Biology - does that mean that Botany is out?
    Not Physics - does that mean Astronomy is out?
    How about Geology? How about Entomology?
    Where I come from Biology, Chemistry and Physics are the cornerstones of science. You can't have science without them. What's left?
  4. cookderosa

    cookderosa Resident Chef

    A few other ideas that might be more teen-friendly
    Nutrition (biology dept)
    First Aid/CPR/Health
    Weather Forecasting
    Physical Archeology
    Physical Anthropology (sometimes social science/sometimes science)
    Environment and Sustainability

    If he is up for a challenge (and Dad is up for the $), here is the list from Harvard Extension for the Spring distance courses. Lots of science.
    (no degree needed- open enrollment)
  5. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    Some of the above suggestions might not fit the Science category so be sure to check with your son's college.

    Are you looking for LD or UD?

    The folowing are usually not too deep in math, physics, and chemistry (at least at the LD level);
    Oceanography or marine science
    Intro to earth science
    Intro to astronomy
    History of science (check for acceptability as a science course)
    Various classes in biology/botany such as bird watching, local fauna & fauna, and similar (these are offered by my local UC university as 1 credit weekend courses - unfortunately not DL - but shows such subjects are available).

    At the moment I am taking Geol 101 at Coastline Community College and it does not involve any math or phy/chem to any great extent - it is mostly reading and remembering physical changes in the earth's histoty .
  6. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

  7. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

  8. Shawn Ambrose

    Shawn Ambrose New Member


    Exactly the kind of list I'm looking for... I'm not the science type, sorry :-(

    PS - Dad is a teacher at a community college. I have 7 kids...I can't afford Harvard Extension, but I appreciate the listing :)

  9. Shawn Ambrose

    Shawn Ambrose New Member

  10. Woho

    Woho New Member

    Ehm sorry to jump in here, just a quick question:
    UC Berkeley says: 1 semester unit = 1 ½ quarter units. How is there the "conversion rate" to "normal" credit counting.
  11. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    I'm not sure I understand your question.
    Some colleges operate on the quarter system of ten weeks, and some on the semester system of 15 weeks. Hence a quarter unit = 2/3 of a semester unit.
    I've earned both types of units and never had a problem transferring them between schools.
    (The class lesson, homework, and reading times for both units are regulated by the regional accreditation agencies.)
  12. Woho

    Woho New Member

    Thx Ian, exactly what I was asking for! ;)

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