credits for travel

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by kayausa, Oct 2, 2008.

  1. kayausa

    kayausa New Member

    Eastern Washington university has a program called people to people through which you can receive credits for travel (through a journal, essays comparing cultures and society's...)
    this kind of thing would be ideal for me as I travel all the time and have been to 18 countries... and I need Social science credits...
    thing is:
    they are awfully expensive at $150 a credit on the quarter system.

    does anyone here know of anything similar but way cheaper.
  2. BrandeX

    BrandeX New Member

    I find this very interesting also, as I already am living in China, I would like if I could find a way to convert experiences here to RA undergrad credits in the USA. However, this program appears to be part of some sort of field trip type event, where you would be traveling with some sort of organization (and apparently is is primarily aimed at high school students.)
  3. kayausa

    kayausa New Member

    I spoke to them and they said that I would be able to do it... the cost through me off! I want something like that, just cheaper!
  4. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    I assume you are currently studying at a college. Do they have "independent study" courses

    For example CSUDH has independent study courses in geography, history, political science, and sociology which could be based on ones learning though travel (unfortunately these CSUDH courses not available by DL).

    TESC allows travel to be a topic in their advanced English composition courses.
  5. airtorn

    airtorn Moderator

    UMUC has field studies where you go to a location for a week and study a specific topic related to the location. The classes were set up so they could be either lower or upper level. My wife took a few art history, history, and English literature classes this way and went places like Dublin, London and Paris. She described them as big field trips.
  6. warguns

    warguns Member

    Most California State University colleges will do it through their Continuing Education department. I would be surprised if it's not uncommon elsewhere; virtual free money for the school.
  7. airtorn

    airtorn Moderator

  8. kayausa

    kayausa New Member

    do you know of any school in specific?
  9. kayausa

    kayausa New Member

  10. kayausa

    kayausa New Member

  11. sam999

    sam999 New Member

    soo, the whole thing about distance education is just that isn't it. when my son was in school, he'd get credits towards graduation by working. i've always thought it was an excellent idea. and traveling (although this is the first time i've thought about it) sounds like an excellent idea as well. how better would we learn about our world than traveling around it.
    i'd push for it. don't let it drop for sure. keep pursuing it. best of luck. cheers. sam.

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