Help with Graduate Classes -- Tutoring in Master in Information Assurance

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by pr0xy, Sep 10, 2008.

  1. pr0xy

    pr0xy New Member


    I'm currently enrolled in the Master of Science in Iowa State University. The class that I am taking is the Computer and Network Forensics (Cpr E -Inf As 536). I was wondering if anyone could help me in the class.

    Sample assignment:

    1: Given a message, M, is m1,m2, ... mn where each mi is 64 bits. Prove that each of the following functions is a bad cryptographic checksum:

    1.a: m1+....+mn where addition is 64 bit ignoring the carry bit.

    1.b: all mi xored to form one 64 bit number

    Thank you in advance,
  2. pr0xy

    pr0xy New Member


    I know there a number of people who are taking courses in information assurance, computer science and other engineering areas, but no one seems to want to help.

    Is there at least a site that can assist with assignments?

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    Sorry, I can't help you because I am not in the subject. However, check your PM.
  4. sentinel

    sentinel New Member

    It is not that nobody wants to help you. The textbook should have at least briefly covered some of this material.

    Try reading and and

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