Career in Usability/HCI?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by japhy4529, Jan 4, 2008.

  1. japhy4529

    japhy4529 House Bassist


    I am searching for some advice regarding a possible career change. For the past eight years, I have been working in the Knowledge Management department at a large pharma company in the N.E. I have been exposed to some usability studies here at work, and I quite like it. Therefore, I am exploring the possibility of switching gears a bit and working as a full-time usability practitioner. Does anyone have experience in this area? I understand that the primary certification in the field is the Certified Usability Analyst (CUA) offered through Human Factors International. Should I pursue this cert? Also, I am looking into pursuing a graduate level certificate in HCI. Is this worthwhile?

    I am presently working on an M.Ed. via Aspen University, however I do not have a Bachelor's degree. I have always held a strong interest in Psychology and I plan to complete a Bachelor's degree in this subject (which I here is a common background for usability/HCI professionals). Does this major make sense for usability work? Should I even bother completing the M.Ed. at Aspen?

    Besides gaining additional experience in my present work environment, what else can I do to increase my chances of landing a usability job?

  2. tmartca

    tmartca New Member

    To get a handle on what employers are looking for start by finding some job announcements on some internet job boards. If you can, get a good sample (20-30), and then see what you are lacking as far as skills and credentials.

    As far as whether or not you should complete the M.Ed., how far along are you? From the job announcements, did you see “Education” listed in the requirements section? Maybe you could parlay an HCI certificate or certification with the M.Ed. and be fine.

    Good luck
  3. japhy4529

    japhy4529 House Bassist


    Thanks for the advise. I am taking my second M.Ed. course via Aspen Univ. I will likely finish up the program, if for no other reason than personal accomplishment. I am looking at two (online) HCI graduate certificates:

    Iowa State University -


    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute -

    If anyone else has advise on entering the HCI/usability field, please let me know!


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